
Skyware provides a list of all current standard countries in your system, which are used when generating addresses for account information and stay records. A guest account can be created by itself (using the guest information screen), created at the time of making a reservation, or when picking up a reservation against a group.  In general, every country should already exist within Skyware at the time of purchase. However, as this list is subject to change over time, you may view, add, or modify the countries on the default list. You may also select whether a region is associated when that country is picked, (from the list of regions entered via the Regions maintenance screen), to help determine where your guests are coming from. For example, you might wish to select the region Eastern or Western for countries within Europe, or Southern for countries within South America or South Africa.

This selection is part of the Property and System Configuration area of Skyware.

This is part of the required configuration for Skyware Systems and is initially performed at installation for you. You may however edit the configuration to suit your property at any time if you have the appropriate access/authorization.



Date Updated February 24, 2022